The Undead Heart

by Tate Jackson
(Clarksville Tn)

Rebecca Stockdale had enough issues in her life; parents that hated her for the strange abilities that she had been born with, she was about to move away from her sister and only friend, Bev, and she had had a really bad date that would change her forever.

the undead heart
The Undead Heart

Just when she was about to escape the drama that she had always lived in, Richard, a vampyre, walked into her life and shattered her reality with one request; travel back in time to 1888 to stop a psychopathic vampyre bent on revenge and save the family she never knew she had.

She would be joined on her journey by a band of vampyre hunters. Hunters who, centuries ago, had vowed to slay all vampyres. A vow they set aside to protect the family that they had come to love, knowing that the outcome of that decision would be an eventual battle. A battle of decapitation and blood; a battle they may not survive.

She was leaving a life she would kill to get away from for a family she would gladly die to protect, but could she do it? Could she make it back alive? Did she possess the strength and courage it would take to change the past and save their future?

She was about to find out.

The Undead Heart is a tale of love, life, horror, humor and family and is the first novel in The Blood Thirst Series.

{The Undead Heart contains, sex, violence and adult language but is not an 'erotica novel', however, parental discretion is advised}

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The Undead Heart by Tate Jackson is the 1st novel in The Blood Thirst Series and is available on Amazon in Hard copy format and Kindle eBook version. You don't have to have a Kindle handheld device to get the Kindle version of The Undead Heart. Amazon offers a free Kindle PC eBook reader download for your computer or laptop on their site. They also offer free Kindle eBook reader downloads for Mac and free Kindle apps for mobile phones. Just download the program of your choice, order the book and you can start reading The Undead Heart instantly!

All questions and comments can be sent to the author (Tate Jackson) at

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Feb 07, 2011
Great Book!!!
by: Anonymous

This is my new fav Paranormal Romance Series! It was a little hard to get into at first but once you get past the first few pages. it's captivating! I loved the characters, the humor and the time travel aspect to the book. It's a real page turning and hard to put down once you get into it. I recommend The Undead Heart to anyone who loves Paranormal Romance! It's a 'must read'!

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